
Showing posts from July, 2020

Water Matters for Safety

Danger lurks in idle water. By Jack Lyon, Innovational Water Solutions. Let's face it. We don't think of the water in our buildings as being dangerous. You drink it. You use it for your coffee. The sinks work. And any water that your heating, cooling or manufacturing systems needs comes out of the pipe and goes into the system. As long as it runs, all is well.  But it's not. Water can be dangerous. Especially when it's been idle.  The CDC guidelines for idle buildings during Covid-19 paint a scary picture.  The top two issues that can make building occupants sick are Mold and Legionella . Added to the list  of safety hazards are  respiratory issues , which are particularly frightening if occupants contract Covid-19 with it's known effects on the lungs. Just as dangerous is mechanical failure due to corrosion, scaling and fouling, all caused by water, and all posing significant risk to your technicians, building occupants and even your surrounding community...